

First stop the Zoo ;) which is a weekly thing for us and has been for many years now - hey, its free (unless you get drinks or make a short visit to the gift shop, which does not happen all that often) and its small and there are slides and...... we never have to see all of it cause we will be back the next week ;).....

Sweet Friends

You will always find Cora holding, sitting or sliding with one of the boys ;)

Next stop the park......
Say hello to my little friend
Mr A. showing Charlie how to slide...
Our first Goose family encounter this year...
Third stop....
The Nature Center and Walk.
Look who we saw...
So beautiful when they are out in the wild, or in this case the parking lot ;)
They were so close to us and never became scared.The End


Boy Crazy said...

Great blog, girl!

Kiley said...

Thanks wonderful mama of so many CUTE boys ;)