
MAF Tour

2 years ago a man from our church got up in front one Sunday morning and showed a slide show of his time as a Missionary Pilot for MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship). Eli was mesmerized by Mr. Shepson speaking. He remembered almost every word that he said and the pictures that he showed. He was in awe. He had it in his mind that this is what he was going to do when he grew up - except his words were " I am going to be a Missionary Pilot and BOMB countries with food". He was totally serious which made it even more awesome. Every time since then when Eli would see Mr. Shepson he would get very excited and every time Mr. Shepson would get up front on Sunday and speak about his latest adventure Eli would be mesmerized all over again.

Mr Shepson went to Haiti after the earthquake and Eli couldnt wait to hear about his trip when he got back. He knew a bit about what happened - earthquake, people died, people are now with out homes and food and that the people needed Jesus - that's as far as we went. Mr Shepson came and told what he saw and it became real to Eli. I think that was the first time that Eli realized that horrible things/events were happening around our world and God needed people to help. The Lord needed his followers to spread the Gospel and to make sure people were "looked after" *his words*...

MAF is about 15 - 20 min away from us and for the longest time Eli has asked if we could go and see it. For some reason i have put it off and put it off, until one Sunday when Mr. Shepson was standing right next to us at church and i was able to ask him. He told me he would love to give us a tour. We invited some friends and went that next week. We had the best time. It was one of the best field trips we have ever had.

Mr. Shepson told Eli that after he was saved the Lord put it upon his heart to become a Missionary Pilot. He was 7 years old. When he was telling this story to Eli, Eli's eyes were wide open and he responded with "MR SHEPSON!!!! I AM 8, and I WANT TO BE A MISSIONARY PILOT!!!!!!" My eyes started to tear up a bit and i had goose bumps all over my arms. Mr. Shepson told him to keep praying that God makes his desire stronger, so every night when we pray he finishes with "Jesus, Grow my heart, keep my desire strong and save me"..... Again with the tears - every. single. time.....

Now on with the pics ;)

Eli got to sit in the cock pit of one of the airplanes Mr. Shepson flies.

Mr Shepson also turned on some of the switches so Eli could move the wings and the tail.

is it me - or does he look older here????

Eli with his Hero
He showed us a plane that was being worked on - it was pretty cool and way to much info for this mama's brain to hold on to ;)
These are the.................... things that go under the plane so it can land on water...
yup.. to much info.
This machine was cool. Mr Shepson took a thin piece of aluminum *like a soda can* and gave it to Eli to bend and twist. Then let Eli put it in this machine and let him pull it down. When the aluminum came out it was bent and as tough as nails. You couldn't bend it or twist it. This is what the planes are made out of. Eli said he will never look at a soda can the same again and will never throw one away - from now on we recycle - or try to.. ;)
Mr Shepson then took us to a little room where we got to "play" with the flight simulator.. it was A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!
Eli dreaming...
This poster was in Mr Shepson's office - we all thought it was rather funny...Again, BEST TIME EVER!! Can't wait to go back and take more friends...


Anonymous said...

Tell Eli never to give up the dream. I was 12 when I first heard of MAF and it only took 18 years to make it to the field. It is a long road but we serve a faithful God. :)

Anonymous said...

There is nothing better than living in God's perfect will. Getting to fly airplanes for MAF is great. Tell Eli hello from an MAF pilot in Congo.