
All About A Boy - Part 3

His memory was so surprising. He remembered so many details of the past 2 or so years. Memories of Nana that we wrote down and memories he was able to tell his sister about. Memories of him not being able to use "real" words and memories of him being confused. It was rather bizarre ;)

As his vocabulary grew so did his yearning to learn more. He was such a great kid to teach. He listened and tried to cooperate the best he could. Our church started a Co op which we were apart of. Eli loved it. We studied countries and had to do reports on them in front of the rest of the students. He was very involved with helping out with his reports. He had a great time coloring them, putting them together and when it was our turn to make the food for Uganda and Italy he had a great time with that. I read most of his reports and he would point certain things out. Towards the middle he started reading. By the end of Co op he really started to read. At his graduation from Kindergarten he read the whole first chapter of Genesis by himself. He got a round of applause and has been reading ever since.

Preparing plantains for Uganda presentaion

His presentation for Uganda

Eli reading the first chapter in Genesis

Eli receiving his Diploma from his dad

His Graduation Day

 His school became more advanced and he loved it. Everyday more and more of his quirks would vanish.  He started piano lessons and started writing very well. The Lord transformed this little man into a kid who we hardly recognized - in a good way. He was happy, I was happy. We were all happy.

His tantrums were less and far between at this point. He was still a kid and still made mistakes, but handled them better. We still worked on communication, being able to process information rationally and not flipping out over the tiniest scrapes and bruises. We practiced breathing when he fell or bumped into something. We practiced being polite and answering grown ups when asked a question. All was going ok. I do have to admit that the trying to stay calm when hurt deal is still a tricky one to this day. He is getting so much better, but has to be reminded to breathe and to be calm when hurt.

He got to the point where he did school work on his own. I would guide him through the instructions and he would work independently. It was very nice.

Our boy is sweet, polite, incredibly helpful. He helps with his sisters, gets them breakfast and makes them lunch weekly. When we get together with friends he is helpful with the younger boys. When we go to the zoo he counts how many kids we all have and makes sure he keeps a close eye on them. He entertains and teaches. His sisters love him and dote on him. His youngest one pretty much has him wrapped around her finger. He is so excited about having future siblings. He wants to learn how to change diapers and dress babies. He loves math and writing. He loves poetry and punctuation. He loves music and his Uncle says he has perfect timing. He practices piano without me having to remind him (although there are those days:) He enjoys sitting in church and feels big that he can follow along and can keep up with writing verses down. He loves legos, Spider Man, comic books and every sport out there - even though he doesnt know how to play most of them. He loves to wrestle, give his sisters pony rides and books. He LOVES reading. His desire for the last few years have been to become a missionary pilot, work with MAF and fly one of the Kodiaks.

His first BSU football game

The day came to where his dad and i decided we needed to talk with him about the Lord. We knew he knew who Jesus was, but did he know in his heart who and what the Lord did for him. Gabe, being the wonderful spiritual leader that he is prepared verses and questions for Eli. We prayed, went through scripture, talked about what it meant to be saved. Talked about repentance, eternity with the Lord, attributes of God and then after about 40 min asked Eli what he thought and what it all meant to him. In his own sweet little 8 year old boy way told us. I had tears in my eyes.

You know when they are babies you fear that they aren't eating enough, or what if they don't wake up - so you go and check to make sure they are breathing? I don't remember when my fear of them not being saved entered my mind and my heart - but its a scary one. You get parents who say their kids are going to be this or that. That the most important thing is that they get a degree and a good job. Sure, i want that to - but before anything else I want my children to know who Christ is. I want them to have a relationship with HIM at a young age so when they do go out into this world they are covered by the Love of Jesus. They know that they can do all things through Christ that strengthens them. I want to know that the Lord is leading them in their journey and that HE will never forsake them. Yes, they will make mistakes - its called sin. This world is hard, but Christ is always present.

Knowing that Eli is saved, knowing that his relationship with the Lord will get stronger and seeing his repentive heart makes my heart happy. Makes me rejoice in the Lord for He is so good.

Now we pray that our girls come to know HIM. We have a certain 4 year old who is as stubborn as one can be - but i know that The Lord is more powerful then her most stubborn of days.

 I continue to pray for us as parents. That we continue to allow the Lord to guide us, to grow us and to show our repentive heart when we are wrong. He has given us these little one's to nurture and care for, to raise and to reveal HIM to them.  He is the one that saves - not us, but we as a family have a duty to learn about Him and to teach who He is and then to give GOD all the glory when one comes to know Him.

Eli preparing to be a pilot

The Kodiak - he is determined to fly one of these some day

Dad lifting him up to get a better view

Eli's Hero works at MAF and allowed Eli and Gabe to work the flight simulator. Eli still has not stopped talking about it.