
Why, yes world........

we do not live next to an ocean, but we do have an aqarium ;) 
and its not to shabby...
Over the summer we met our dear friends at Idaho's first ever aquarium. It was small, dark but, alot of fun. 
Here Aron and Eli are checking out the fish they just fed

 Here Eli is pointing to the fish that bites... We were warned to stay away from him..

Alex helping Cora - or more like convincing her to touch the sharks. I am sure she is explaining to him the danger that follows touching a shark.

 Eli finally got his shark.
 and Cora got hers, in which Alex and Eli were congratulating her on
 my pretty girls... among all the boys. they did enjoy the attentions.
 Charlie's turn... She was throwing caution out the window and went in for the touch.. Alex was very supportive.

We miss you H Family.....