
Cora turned 5

We had a tea party for Cora's 5th Birthday.  Friends and Cousins came to celebrate with us. It was sweet and relaxing and memorable.

Our wonderful friend Big Becca made that little doll for Cora. It was way to precious and i do not allow Cora to play with it ;)

Coco and her friends. Plus Miss Larissa whom we L O V E!!!!

Our 5 year old's blinged out candle for her flower cupcakes..
Just a bit about this wonderful, yet sneaky little 5 year old.
She has always been wise beyond her years. She defiantly marches to the beat of her own incredible drum.
She has a very squeaky voice - in which she get's compliments on 
(its very strange)
She is a cuddle girl. She loves her sister and very much loves her big brother and is so excited to be a little mom to new baby Addy.
She thinks she is capable to do pretty much anything.
She is stubborn and is a know it all.
She questions everything, which makes my life interesting.
She is kind. She is lovely. She is an animal lover.
She still has her princess blanket that the Inman fam gave to her when her Nana passed away.
She is big and is getting bigger - yet, she is tiny and petite. 
She is convinced that she will never be married. 
She has an incredible smile and loves to hug. 
She sings and tells stories.
She has alot of questions about God.
She doesnt  settle on "knowing Him" because we know Him
She asks "Can you show me God?"
"Can you prove to me that He is real?"
She know's she can't say that she believes in God just to participate in communion. 
She know's that when she does believe in God it will be HUGE 
(her words)
We love and cherish this little lady so much. From the moment she was born with her perfect hair and her sweet face we knew that she was going to be something special. 
A wonderful addition to our growing family. 
Happy Birthday Coco Bean