
Grandma's 80th B Day BASH

We took a quick trip to good ol' desert ville in Cali ;) to celebrate Grandma's 80th b day. So much family turned up - family i have never met - she had a great time.

 The prego girls with Grandma
 I, along with 2 of my sister in laws are all due within a month of each other. The two other gals are married to my hubby's brothers and i adore them very much. There is 1 girl and 1 boy who will be arriving in Dec and 1 girl arriving in Jan. Can't wait for Easter to come and we will get to see these new additions.
 This is Grandma. She is wonderful, sweet, kind hearted, emotional, lovely, caring, set in her ways, loves the Lord and very smiley. When my hubby and his siblings were young they used to refer to her and the smiling grandma. We still do ;)
 Last Easter the girls and I asked Grandma questions about her childhood, her and Grandpa, her kids and other types. For her b day Bren (sis in law) created a book with old and newer pictures along with the questions and answers. It was so perfectly put together. So beautiful. Grandma loved it.
 We then all wrote our little tribute to her along with our kids.
I can't remember exactly what the kids said, but Eli commented on her awesome house and her tortoises (she is who gave us Harry). Cora made a comment about her dolls (she has a wild collection of old dolls that are not to be played with (it drives Cora crazy) and Charlie..... huh.... maybe she's the one who commented on her tortoises... oh well, it was very sweet.
 The contributors to the book

 Grandma telling her grandsons stories out of the book.. and getting quite the kick out of it.
Grandma and her boys