
Fun days of 2011

The beginning of November we were adopted by a kitty cat. We think she is a she and after much deliberation we settled on Bella for her name. She stays outside for the most part, but after letting her in a few times she now thinks she can enter in whenever she wants... Silly kitty. The kids adore her and she adores them. I think we will keep her around.

On November 12th we celebrated a little friends birthday by going bowling. The birthday boy was born a few weeks after Cora and has become good friends with her and Eli..
November 24th - On Thanksgiving we celebrated with our family. We made a Thanksgiving Tree with our hand prints. On our hand prints we wrote things that we were thankful for.
Mom and Dad invited a friend over to join us and we had the privilege of hearing her play the piano. We sang Worship Hymns and Christmas Songs and it was probably the best Thanksgiving we have had in a long time...

November 26th - Gabe got 5 BSU tickets and we decided to take the kids to their first (and mine ;) football game.. It was freezing, fun and we didnt last to long ;) We left at half time and went to get Five Guys. It was a very fun day.. glad the tickets were free...

November 30th - We spent the afternoon with Eli's piano teacher and my very good friend decorating mini car cakes. It was a sweet afternoon. We adore this lady. Mrs Nae, just had a baby so we are taking a small break from lessons, but i have a little man who can't wait to start back up again.

December 1st - Gabe was out of town so we went and had dinner with our friends.. We love this family - Our kids have become sweet friends and get along very well... These girls get to grow up together and i can't wait to see their friendship blossom....

December 3rd - We started a Heter family (unhealthy) tradition a few months ago.. Every Saturday morning Gabe takes the kids (sometimes all 3, sometimes just 1 or 2) out to get dough nuts. They love it. We have it down to almost the exact change - except on occasion Cora and Charlie pick a different one, which makes the price either go up a tiny bit or down.. Silly Girls.. Anyhow, since we don't eat our dough nuts till around 10:30 or so our lunch is always a bit strange... Why 10:30 you ask?? Cause, our girls (and sometimes boy) do not get up till 10am on Saturdays. Its the strangest thing....
Most of the time our lunch consist of cheese, crackers and fruit - that way we can have a good dinner... We love our Saturdays ♥

December 4th - Eli had his 2nd recital. His Mimi, Uncle, Cousins and Grandparents came to support him. He did a great job - his Uncle told him that he has perfect timing and should someday learn the drums - Thanks Uncle B.. ;) We are so proud of him. We are excited to see him become better and adventure onto to more instruments - even if that means the drums...

More to come ;)