
Our Summer Thus Far - Starting with June

 In June we celebrated Eli's 9th birthday. He has been obsessed with Angry Birds for some time now and the hubs and i thought it would be fun to create a BIG Angry Bird Game. It was alot of fun - minus the allergy attacks Eli and I suffered with all day long - and the kids thought the idea of throwing balls at card board boxes was the best thing ever. Gabe did a great job of most of the decorations. He totally got into it and i think had just as much fun as the kids did....
                     Gabe drew faces of balls and balloons. This kids thought it was pretty awesome.
                                                              READY. SET. THROW.
 Since Eli was 2 he has always shown the most excitement and love over any gifts he has ever received.
 His BIG gift this year was a drum set. He has been taking piano lessons for the past 4 years and has been showing alot of interest in playing the drums. We don't discourage our kids with any kind of instrument. We except all types of instruments - even the most annoying ones... Thus, the drums.

                                                                   It was a HUGE hit
 By this time Eli's allergies were really bad. He could hardly smile and his eyes were burning and watering.    The red thing he is holding is a marshmallow gun given to him by the D family. He thought in stead of blowing out his candle the good ol fashion way - he would use his gun. But, not till we taught new friends and reminded old one's of how us HETER'S sing Happy Birthday :) Totally and Completely off key..... Its a very fun tradition...
                     A few days after Eli turned 9, he was asked is he felt different. His response was:

                      "Yes, i do. I can run faster. I can throw harder and my sisters adore me more."